On Falling in Love with LIFE

My friend wrote this to me the other day…

“But falling in love with LIFE? That’s the thing that’s makes you unfuckwithable”

I took the weekend to think about it and responded with this today…

it’s almost impersonal but personal

fall in love with the Divine, the life force, the essence

and ironically, as I write this, it’s obvious falling in love is not a doing, it’s the absence of doing

I recall being really hooked (some might say obsessed) on a couple of females over the course of my life, and thought it was because they made me feel special

but at some point, I realised it wasn’t them making me feel special, it was because in being present with them, I got to know myself

and to me, falling in love with life is sort of like that, rather than doing shit, or having shit, you get introduced to the essence of what is behind life, and get to know it, and live from there

It’s so clear to me that we are the Universe, there is no distinction, or if there is, it only exists in our own psychology, and if you want to create from that Universal energy (the formless), then the only thing stopping you exists within your own psychology (your mind)

when I look toward this space, I know I can find distinctions of LIFE versus CREATION, versus pick a way to explain the grandeur of the Universe, but my sense is it’s really the same thing

On The Universe Doesn’t Teach Lessons

There are no lessons from the Universe.  Getting a life lesson from the Universe points towards a Universe that is separate from who you are.  You are the Universe and any problem you have or lesson you ‘keep on getting’ is a physiological misunderstanding of this one truth, and a psychological misunderstanding of who you are.

If you want to understand the power of the Universe, take a look around you and see what creation has done.

On Getting Clean and Clear to Move Forward

When you don’t ‘know’ what direction to go forward on, don’t just plow forward, stir the pot instead and only move when clear

You don’t need to figure out what to listen to (genius), just listen (when trying to hear from genius)

On Little Piles of Thought

“Little piles of thought.” I heard this on a podcast this morning and it made so much sense.  When we’re struggling with something, whether it’s an outcome, a relationship or a little peace of mind, it’s not what we think.  It’s not the outcome or the relationship that we need to fix, or peace of mind that we need to find, we need to see the little the little piles of thought that are creating our experience for what they are.  And that is, ‘little piles of thought’, like fires burning on a beach, they attract our focus distracting us from the vista, the whole horizon that is the peace of mind that is always available to us.

What if the 3 Principles are Bullshit?

Mind, Thought and Consciousness.

What if Sydney Banks got it all wrong?

What if it’s all bollocks?  What if it’s not all Thought?  What if we aren’t this limitless being with infinite power to create, love and grow in Universal understanding?

What if all we’ve done is replaced one set of beliefs with another set of ‘more empowering’ beliefs?

My answer to that is who cares?  Who cares if all we’ve found is a better story?  If it helps us to move past the pain of overthinking, the frustration of self-doubt and failure so that we can create a fulfilling, meaningful life, then what difference does it make whether we’re right or wrong, crazy or not.

If we treat ourselves and those around us with love and grace, which seems to be what happens to people as they gain a deeper grasp of this understanding, then what’s the problem?

On Solving Problems

The problem isn’t the problem, the problem isn’t even what you think about the problem, the problem is how you related to yourself and the problem.