I never get what I really want.  This thought popped into mind when I was thinking about Consciousness this morning.

It’s a thought I’ve regularly had.

I always look back when I’ve tried to create or do something, and it fails to come into being.  It seems to me that whenever I really want something it never happens, and therefore this is the ‘belief’ I’ve made true about it.

But what if there are other reasons?

The Universe is showing me how but I’m not following the signals or doing the work?

What if I’m not responsible for making outcomes happen?

What if outcomes are just random and sometimes it happens and sometimes it doesn’t?

And what if this Thought form, or ‘belief’ is causing interference with the Devine Consciousness’ attempt to deliver it.

I always figured that because I’d had some insights into the nature of Thought I was immune to any misunderstandings.  But is that really true?

A second thing to consider is the emotion involved.  I was always taught that when working on the aligning the mindset with the goal, how much emotion you can generate was is important.  What could be more emotional than a seemingly petulant child that is not getting his way?

First things first.

Getting Clean and Clear on What You Want

When you’re in the act of creating, or brining something into being, the first step is to get clean and clear.  Clear on what you want and clean from doubts.  Then you’re expected to bring some emotion into the desire, aim or outcome.

What if the pre-eminent emotion is, ‘I never get what I really want’.  Even if it’s buried deep within the subconscious, that’s going to override any good work you do.

You can plan and execute as much as you like but you’ve sending out mixed messages to the formless.

Perhaps that belief is so deep it’s buried within the familial DNA.

Who knows?

There is no Such Thing as Bad Luck

I was watching a Netflix show last night on Formula 1.  They were interviewing the teams and some of them talked about runs of ‘bad luck’ they had experienced during the season.

The thing that was obvious to me was they were always attributing bad luck to circumstances outside their control.  It was either other drivers crashing into them, gear failures, or the occasional bad decisions that the drivers had made in the moment.

As an outsider looking in it was obvious the problem was the drivers themselves.  There were times when it was so obvious they were stuck inside their own heads, busy with their own personal thought, which stopped the clear flow of thinking that is required to make split second decisions at the speeds experienced during Formula 1.

There is no such thing as bad luck.  Only thought in the moment.  We try and make meaning of events or apportion blame after the fact because we don’t see Thought as a possible cause.  But it’s the only cause.

It’s All Inside

I had an insight a few days ago that shattered any remaining thoughts that the outside world has an influence on the way we feel.

Our whole experience of life is one that is generated from within us, and feelings, good, bad or indifferent are a mere shadow of what we call Thought.  Not the busyness of thinking, but Universal Thought, that which is before personal thought.

The thing that triggered this was a realisation that there is nothing outside of myself that can make me feel.  I can’t try to manage a bad feeling away by thinking something else, standing a certain way, or any of the other techniques

Luckily for me I know that a thought and therefore a feeling can’t actually hurt me, even if I feel bad as a result.  The worst thing I can do is dwell on it, because it maintains the form of the Thought/feeling connection and keeps it in place.  It’s best just to let it pass and get on with life.

Time, an Emergent Property of Consciousness

I saw the truth of this a few months back while I was in LA attending a workshop.  I’d been fascinated by the concepts of time for a while.

Does time only move forward?

Can we obtain information from the future?

Does a higher level of consciousness change the way we use time?

I haven’t got answers to these questions, but I did see that without Consciousness, there is no time.

Which then begs the question, is everything, all matter an emergent property of Consciousness.  Based on my understanding of time one would think, ‘yes, it is’, but I haven’t explicitly seen this for myself.

Even the point of ‘nothing outside me can make me feel’, reinforces the theory that all matter emerges from consciousness.

Pulling all the Threads Together

If the awareness that I am is the leading edge of creation, the tip of Consciousness in physical form, and all experience happens inside my own consciousness and then?

What happens from there?

Is this the point where matter emerges as a result of Consciousness’ interaction?  And is this the point where is doesn’t come out the way you wanted, because you weren’t clean and clear.  Making the waters of creation murky with long held beliefs such as ‘I never get what I want’?

And what of the value of Thought?  What of the Thought forms that we labels as beliefs and values?   Are they the same as good or bad Thought, right or wrong Thought?  After all, both good and bad, right and wrong, and the way it isn’t and the way it should be are all Thought.  It’s the judgement we bring to them that puts them in a particular bucket.

Do limiting beliefs stop, or at least muddy the waters of creation?  And if so, what needs to be done about these beliefs?  Anything, nothing, or seeing them for what they are, Thought Forms we hold to be true, but are nothing but a Thought we’ve given form?

I’ve written this as a way to stir the pot, to ask some questions and challenge what I think is true and to see what turns up.