Thinking Less to Do More
It may not be clear but there is a reason I’m always trying to point you towards more of who you are and how your mind works. Understanding your mind leads to more mental freedom. And more mental freedom leads to being able to do more. Some people will teach you a particular skill, whether it’s to start a business, marketing, meet new people or improve your fitness or health. None of those are my thing. I won’t tell you how to find courage, or confidence so that you can ‘feel the fear and do it anyway’, because I know emotions like confidence and courage are our natural state, when we’re free of our busy minds.
Learning anything new is great, personally I love to learn the how-to of getting things done, but it doesn’t make things happen. I can have all the knowledge in the world, but if I’m crippled from taking action by my own thinking, then I’m still no better off. For me, I’ve found the power of freeing myself from my own insecurities is what has given me the greatest foundation for progress in my life.
I can show you how to run a project, which is essentially a business goal. I can show you what works and what doesn’t, and what is a waste of time. I can tell you about other things based on what has worked for me, such as fitness and nutrition, not because I’m an expert, but because I figured out what worked for me.
But that’s not where I’ve found the greatest point of leverage.
Some people will get to the point in life where they understand that mindset and the way they think is important to their progress through life, and specifically their goals. But that is not the case, it’s everything. Your whole life is a psychological experience, that is it happens inside of you, the good, the bad and in between.
It’s in understanding this mechanism, the way our minds work and how we each create our unique experience that becomes our superpower. This what set us free from being bound up in our own thinking and allows us to express ourselves the way we want to in the world.
Transforming Mind
While some people are thinking the latest tip or technique will get them moving forward, I’m looking for transformation. Changing the how I see myself in the world along with my approach to goals and challenges they throw up at me.
When I come up against something that stops me or slows me down, rather than looking for something to add to a bag of tricks, I’m asking myself, “where am I not seeing it clearly? Where is my thinking creating a block to my progress?”
I take a subtractive approach, looking to clear away contaminated thinking that does not support me. And when I do that, when I clear away the cluttered thinking of my own mind, I’m more able to respond, to see solutions where previously I saw reasons not to move forward.
To me, that is what is on offer. The more I remove, the more I transform, the less affected I am by the world ‘out there’, the more capable I become, meaning I can do and achieve more of what it is that I want.